What do you do outside of training?  Outside of training my life is a mixture of solving business related problems with IT solutions, checking out new restaurants and cafes, and just picking up other new hobbies here and there. 

TV show you secretly enjoy?  Hmm…I have to say ‘How to get away with murder’.

If you could choose one super power, what would it be and why?  Ability to fly because flights out of Canberra are expensive!

What would be your ultimate achievement?  To travel the world without a single doubt in mind.

What's your philosophy on discipline?  I believe self-discipline is fostered by mental resilience and the pursuit to achieve any goal, no matter how sky high.

What kept you going in the first months of training?  What has kept me going and currently keeps me going, is the challenge that has to be surpassed during every class. There is either a new skill to learn or the drive to mentally and physically do better.

Describe the people who train with you?  The people who train at Chopper are awesome! Such a fun, friendly and welcoming bunch.

